International delegation at GIZEH Packaging in Bergneustadt

A delegation from Indonesia and Ghana was expected to seek knowledge and technology transfer in Germany for modern waste management in their home country. They were accompanied by representatives of the GIZ (Society for internationale Cooperation) and major food manufacturers such as Danone, Unilever and Indofood. The Grüne Punkt (DSD) was asked by the BMZ, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation, to organize an informative program for guests from Asia and Africa.

GIZEH packaging gladly responded to the request and appraised the visitors of its diverse efforts on the subject of sustainability through informative lectures and a guided tour through the production halls in Bergneustadt. "As one of the first in the industry, we introduced an energy management system back in 2011, reducing CO2 emissions by 15.5% per kg of material and reducing energy consumption by 13.4%," says Frank Kriener, who manages sales and product development at GIZEH, "but it is just as important to thoughtfully plan the packaging right from the begining so as to optimise recyclablility". Additionally, GIZEH are involved in initiatives such as zero granule loss, Sedex or Ecovadis as a matter of course.

The journey concluded with the official announcement of the foundation of PREVENT in Berlin, an alliance that networks over 30 different organizations from business, civil society and science. It promotes the urgently needed international knowledge and technology transfer for modern waste management.

